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Our project is inspired from Kinds with robots image
  • the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget arguing that human learning is no the result of a transmission of knowledge, but an active process of knowledge construction based on experiences gained from the real world and linked to personal, unique pre-knowledge (Piaget 1972).
  • the constructionist educational philosophy of S. Papert adding that the construction of new knowledge is more effective when the learners are engaged in constructing products that are personally meaningful to them. Constructionism (Papert, 1992), is a natural extension of constructivism and emphasizes the hands-on aspect. The learners in a constructionist environment build something on their own, preferably a tangible object that they can both touch and find meaningful. The goal of constructionism is giving children good things to do so that they can learn by doing much better than they could before (Papert, 1980).

In this theoretical frame a socio-constructivist view is adopted, where learning is not an individual, but a particularly social and societal activity that means that learning always takes place in a social context.

Aim - Objectives
The overall aim of the project is to develop a framework for teacher education courses in order to enable teachers to implement the robotics-enhanced constructivist learning in school classrooms, and report experiences from the implementation of this framework. More specifically our objectives are:...

Students workshop imageA research-based approach is adopted in terms of teachers' professional development efforts and reported experiences of using technological tools in teacher education and in classrooms. The joint cognitive partnership between technology and learners depends on mindful engagement and interaction. Consequently, to engineer a desirable effect with or of a technology requires more than just introducing the technology.

Therefore, in this research project we will apply constructivist pedagogy and a learner-centered didactical approach taking into consideration learner's characteristics for an effective technology-enhanced learning design Striving for a collaborative learning environment is based on the belief that the inherent dynamics of a necessary mutual process are likely to be more conducive to meaningful transformation, carrying so a sense of greater potential for development. This is highly supported by the development of e-learning communities.