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Book: Teacher Education on Robotics-Enhanced Constructivist Pedagogical Methods

Editor: Dimitris Alimisis

Published 2009 by School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

ISBN 978-960-6749-49-0

Robotics in School Education
(Review of research literature and of the existing situation in the 6 participating countries)

Study: A methodology for designing robotics-enhanced constructivist learning for secondary school students: basic principles, learning objectives and strategies
Study: A methodology for designing robotics-enhanced constructivist learning for secondary school students: appropriate technology-based environment
Study: A methodology for designing robotics-enhanced constructivist learning for secondary school students: the bus route
Study: Methodology for evaluation and assessment of the learning activities
Pilot training curriculum
Pilot training materials 1
Pilot training materials 2
Pilot training materials 3
Pilot training materials:   Why robotics in education...
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All the products and dissemination papers published in this website by TERECoP Project partnership are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.