Dimitris Alimisis CV



Dimitris Alimisis


Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education - ASPETE 


Prof. in Educational Technology, Head of the Educational Technology Lab in Patras (ASPETE)


(+30 ) 2610 433664


(+30 ) 2610 433544


alimisis at otenet.gr


Physics degree

Physics Dept. at the University of Athens (1979)

Ph. D.in Science Education

Philosophy, Education and Psychology Department at the University of Athens (1994)

Work experience

1981 – 1997

physics teacher in secondary school education

1997 – today

member of teaching staff in Education Department at the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

Research Interests

·         Educational technology focusing on the development of digital tools for creative learning (modeling, simulations, microworlds, concept mapping)

·         Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) as tools for Constructivist and Constructionist  learning

·         Educational robotics

·         Synchronous and asynchronous distance education for teachers


Teaching Expertise

Participation in European Projects

Selected publications

Doctoral Dissertation

Alimisis, D. (1994). Reasons for student failure in school physics (Doctoral dissertation, University of Athens, 1994). National Foundation of Research, Dissertation Abstracts.


Alimisis D., Computer as tool of productivity, information and communication in education, Ion, Athens, 2003 (in Greek).

D. Alimisis, Interactive Modelling in Science, in D. Ursutiu and D. Alimisis, Modelling and Simulation Software in Chemistry, Transilvania Univerity Press, Brasov, 2002.

D. Alimisis (Ed.), Teacher Education on Robotics-Enhanced Constructivist Pedagogical Methods, ASPETE, Athens, 2009


Dimitris Alimisis, Javier Arlegui, Nello Fava, Stassini Frangou, Silviu Ionita, Emanuele Menegatti, Stefano Monfalcon, Michele Moro, Kyparissia Papanikolaou, Alfredo Pina, (2010). Introducing robotics to teachers and schools: experiences from the TERECoP project, in J. Clayson and I. Kalas (eds.) Proceedings for Constructionism 2010, 16-20 August, 2010, Paris, France

Alimisis, D., Frangou, S., Papanikolaou, K. (2009) A constructivist methodology for Teacher Training in educational robotics: the TERECoP course in Greece through trainees’ eyes, The 9 th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (I CALT2009), Riga, Latvia 

Papanikolaou, K., Frangou, S., Alimisis, D. Teachers as designers of robotics-enhanced projects: the TERECoP course in Greece. Intl. Conf. on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS, Venice(Italy) 2008 November,3-4, ISBN 978-88-95872-01-8, pp. 100-111

Alimisis, D. Designing robotics-enhanced constructivist training for science and technology teachers: the TERECoP Project. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, ED-MEDIA 2008-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), USA, p. 288-293

Alimisis, D., Michele M., Arlegui, J., Pina, A. Frangou, S., Papanikolaou, K. Robotics & Constructivism in Education: the TERECoP project, In Ivan Kalas (ed.), Proceedings of the 11th European Logo Conference, 19 - 24 August 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-89186-20-4

Alimisis, D. Robotics-enhanced constructivist learning: the TERECoP project, in Pavlos Koulouris & Sofoklis Sotiriou (editors), Rural Learning for Development: Experiences from Europe, Report on Rural Learning for Development and Book of Proceedings of the 2007 RuraLEARN Conference and Workshops, Mesta, Chios, Greece, 24-27 June 2007, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece, p. 207-213

Alimisis, D., karatrantou, A., Tachos, N., Technical school students design and develop robotic gear-based constructions for the transmission of motion, Eurologo 2005, Digital Tools for Lifelong Learning, Proceedings, Warsaw, Poland, 2005, p. 76-86.

Alimisis D. and Duta-Capra A., Teacher education in the computer-based modelling in the field of science education, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference with international participation “ICT in education”, University of Athens, 2004, p. 317-326. (in Greek)

Alimisis D., Teaching the Instantaneous Velocity as the Limit of Äx/Ät: A Computer Based Approach, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, ESERA, Aristotle University of Thessaloninki,, 2001, p. 264-6.

Alimisis D., Computer-based modeling as learning tool in kinematics, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, University of Thessaly, 2003, p. 191-5.

Alimisis D., From graph to model: Students as creators of models through PC use, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, University of Thessaly, 2003, p. 196-200.

Alimisis D., Logo and Teacher Education, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference with international participation “Maths Didactics and Informatics in Education”, Aristotle University of Thessaloninki, p.550-557, 2001 (in Greek).